Who We’ve Worked With

Some Of Our Services…

  • Colonic Irrigation
  • Harley Body Wraps
  • Reflexology
  • Lymph Drainage Massage
  • Liver Flush

What Our Client’s Say

The Willows clinic was recommended to me as a place which could help me with fertility issues. I had been trying for several months and had visited my own G.P. with my concerns but most doctors will not entertain you with fertility matters until at least a year of trying.

After visiting the clinic and thanks to the years of experience with Irene & co, she suggested I was a classic case of someone with low thyroid and she was right! This was only the first step in getting my body ready for a baby.

Her own intuitions were always right. Irene always says in clinic they are a complimentary practice to your main medical care, and will always encourage you to consult another practitioner if they know its going to help you get to your goal. I always thoroughly enjoyed the reflexology visits they were mainly relaxing but when necessary had to be more tough too. The Acupuncture is done in unison with the reflexology by Lisa, and was so relaxing.

Lisa after her time studying in China and always explains really well what she does during each session and why. Acupuncture is great for women suffering with morning sickness.

Thanks so much Irene, Lisa and Andrew.

Shauna O'Dwyer
Hi Irene,

Hope you are well.

Its taken a while to getting around to writing this note of thanks as my little Mossie likes his mommy’s attention! If you wish to put this on your website I am more then happy for you to do that.

When I came to you I was in a bad place having gone through numerous forms of fertility treatment to no avail. You made me feel so comfortable from our first meeting and dispelled the notion that I was losing my mind! One of the first things you said was that you would treat me for a specific amount of time, this I found refreshing. Many of the previous treatments I had tried just seemed endless with little feedback other then ‘see you next week’. My experience at Willows was completely different as you gave me very specific feedback and what I needed to do to help myself. I also recall you speaking about my baby that would come, this simple statement made me really believe that this could happen yet for me. Within such a short time I found myself pregnant and in that group that I so envied, the group of people that gave up on fertility treatment and got pregnant. I now have a little 8 week old boy and life could not be better. So, Irene go raibh mile mile maith agat for your help in getting me here. I am forever in your debt. Look forward to seeing you soon for some further treatments.

Le grá,
Paula xxx

Paula Galvin
It is January 2010 & not only is it a new year but a new life beginning, as my husband & I are expecting our first child later this year. This may not sound that unusual but to us it is a miracle, particularly since we were on the verge of beginning IVF treatment this year! Our journey began in Dec 2007, when after trying to conceive for 6 months, the GP told us to go home and relax! A year later I found out I had endometriosis so while my husband could populate the world; he had no chance with me! While enduring a lap & dye,10 months of injections to induce an early menopause & then clomid to kickstart my ovaries again, I discovered the benefit of Infertility Reflexology by Irene Scarff. Irene is a remarkably caring, professional woman. She had a wealth of experience & knowledge. At times, I was very low & it only took an hour with her to get both my body & mind back working together. As she says herself “You are at your granny’s” so I always felt it was a safe environment. Her therapy worked particularly on my endocrine system (I never even knew what that was from the doctor!) so she helped my menstrual cycle to return to a consistent ovulation pattern regardless of all the drugs in my system. My moods were affected by the drugs so the sessions altered that state as well. By October 09, clomid hadn’t worked so we embarked on the initial IVF bloodtests. It was at this point that I asked Andrew if he could help me unblock any energy points in my system. He began a meditation session after each reflexology session. I can honestly say that this was a turning point for me. Up to then we had worked on the physical aspect of my problem; Andrew succeeded after several sessions in empowering me to work on my mental healing at home. Amazingly, I discovered I was pregnant soon after the last session with him. We have had scans & everything is exactly how it should be with all day sickness to beat all morning sickness! Coincidence? Absolutely not! I had a whole new attitude to the whole “trying to conceive” issue. For me, it was no longer “if” but “when”. Irene & Andrew gave us that. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Brigid & Andrew Hannon
“We had been trying to conceive for over 4 years when I first went to see Irene. She was recommended to me by a friend and from the word go I felt relaxed and comfortable with her. Her knowledge of relexology and the body in general is amazing. I looked forward to every session with her, not only for the reflexology but each week it was like therapy too. I felt I could confide in Irene about anything that was going on and she helped both myself and my husband through the emotional side of our fertility problems as well as the reflexology. I was quite apprehensive about going for reflexology as I am not keen on people touching my feet but I enjoyed every session and found it very relaxing (in fact numerous times I fell asleep I was so relaxed!!). I can’t recommend Irene and the Willows Clinic enough”.

Chat soon.

Lisa xx

Lisa Freeman