Clears and removes toxins from the lower intestines and helps in the reconstruction of its intestinal flora- the treatment washes toxins out of the colon whistle stimulating the liver and lymphatics to activate deep tissue detoxification.
Strengthens the immune system
Improves metabolism and aids in the absorption of nutrients
Helps with weight loss by removing toxic build up people can lose between 2 to 4 pounds of waste after 1 session.
It relieves pressure on abdominal organs, thus reducing pain and discomfort in this area.
Increase blood flow from lower extremities and pelvic region.
Improves circulation and digestive problems without the aid of prescribed drugs.
Tones up the abdomen
Maximises functions of the large intestines, lymph, and nervous system
Removes parasites
May act as a preventative measure against cancer especially colon cancer.
Improves mental clarity and rejuvenation by removing toxic material, which causes premature ageing.